Doing Just to Do

Are you doing just to do? Are you waking up and working through your day without intent or direction?

If I could inspire one change in people, it would be to have intent with everything you do. Or at least try to. Try this: Sit down and truly envision who you want to be 5 or 10 years from now. Really put some effort in and don’t let your negative boundaries about what you think you’re capable of play a role. Tell yourself it’s make believe if it helps you to be honest with yourself. Close your eyes if that helps. You got it? Good.

Now, is what you’re working on leading you in that direction? Does the work you’re doing, the relationships you’ve created, the TV you’re watching, the meals you’re eating push you to your vision?

Your goals will be uniquely yours. If you can honestly ask yourself: “is this helping me realize my vision” with everything you do (or even just some of the stuff you do), you may just find that it’s a lot easier to make decisions. Eventually, your reason for getting up in the morning is more inspiring, your measure for success is more defined and your hope for a brighter future is in your control.

I’m a control freak. I’ll never leave my future to chance.

1 Comment

  1. Nice clarity!

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