Many of us have heard the old Lao-Tzu proverb: ” A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” This is a simple and profound statement that, I myself, use quite often. However, there is a very important element that is overlooked in this quote. We are perfectionists. Most of us will avoid the first step until we are confident that we can complete the thousand mile journey. We’ve been raised on an “all or nothing” diet from a very young age and it is so ingrained in our culture that we can rarely break free from it.Continue Reading

Are you doing just to do? Are you waking up and working through your day without intent or direction? If I could inspire one change in people, it would be to have intent with everything you do. Or at least try to. Try this: Sit down and truly envision who you want to be 5 or 10 years from now. Really put some effort in and don’t let your negative boundaries about what you think you’re capable of play a role. Tell yourself it’s make believe if it helps you to be honest with yourself. Close your eyes if thatContinue Reading

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” – Ernest Hemingway I thought it was important to start this post off with a famous quote by Ernest Hemingway. He, like so many notable people in history, was aware of one element that seems to elude so many of us. We are not capable of being better, more noble or more successful than anyone else because we do not truly know how they got to where they are or the circumstances surrounding their position. Instead, our true focus shouldContinue Reading

Why am I here? Who am I to start a blog? I’m terrified. That no one will read this. That those who do, won’t care. Of making mistakes. I’m hard on myself and I can deal with that. Others judgements scare me. That’s why I’m doing this. There’s a beautiful feeling in taking risks. In dancing with fear. It’s what drives people to get better, smarter, more efficient. Fear is what has kept the human race alive for so many years. Fear and fulfillment: You can’t have one without the other and you can’t feel alive without both. So, I’mContinue Reading